GJCS recognizes high ability students as those students who perform at or demonstrate the potential to perform individually at outstanding levels of accomplishment in at least one domain (general intellectual or specific academic in the areas of language arts or mathematics) when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment. High ability students are those whose academic needs would not be met in the regular classroom setting and would benefit from specially designed programs and services that would extend beyond the regular grade-level curriculum.
The goals and objectives of the GJCS High Ability Program are to provide an enriched curriculum; accelerate learning; challenge students to reach beyond their intellectual potential; capture unique student interests; create authentic learning and assessment experiences using multiple-modalities of learning; differentiate instruction to meet the unique learning needs of students; accurately identify high ability students and strategically plan for their learning needs.
Elementary age student enrichment and acceleration needs are met through a tiered approach with differentiation of instruction based on individual student skill needs. The use of ongoing formative assessment provides monitoring of student progress. Modification of the goals, objectives, and level of expected outcomes of student performance are adjusted accordingly to maximize individual potential through cluster grouping.
Please contact Amy Buechlein or Audra Jahn with any questions about High Ability.
High ability handbook
kindergarten early entrance documents
IDoe high ability information